NeuroVisual Medicine Institute (“NVMI”) is providing an online binocular vision dysfunction questionnaire used for you to consider whether you should receive additional screening to determine whether you are a potential candidate for services. This questionnaire is not intended to create a doctor-patient relationship. You acknowledge and agree that you may eventually enter into a direct relationship with a healthcare provider for vision related services and that NVMI, through its questionnaire, is not providing, and has no responsibility or liability of any kind for, medical services rendered by any healthcare provider or the actions or inaction of such healthcare provider. Although NVMI endeavors to inform you about reputable and qualified healthcare providers, you further acknowledge and agree that NVMI does not recommend, endorse or make any representations or warranties regarding healthcare providers or medical services and has no responsibility, liability or obligation of any kind for the accuracy, completeness or other aspects of the information provided by such healthcare providers, whether on this Site or otherwise, or for the relationship between you and your healthcare provider.
You further acknowledge that the nature of the medical services you may need can only be determined by your healthcare provider and it is solely up to you to determine whether any health and medical insurance plan you may have will apply to the medical services and what requirements there may be to utilize such insurance in connection with the medical services. NVMI has no responsibility or liability of any kind related to the applicability of any health or medical insurance you may have in connection with your medical services.
NVMI is not a referral service and does not recommend or endorse any particular healthcare provider that may provide medical services. Rather, NVMI is exclusively an intermediary that provides selected information about individuals to prospective healthcare providers. You should obtain any additional information necessary to make an informed decision prior to utilizing any specific healthcare provider.
This Site and its services do not constitute the practice of Medical Services. NVMI does not offer any advice regarding the quality or suitability of any particular healthcare provider with respect to medical services or otherwise. The information and materials provided on this Site are intended solely for your information and not any other person. Such information should not be considered or construed as, and is not a substitute for, consultation with a qualified healthcare provider. This Site is not designed to, and does not, provide medical services to you or to any other person. You should not use the information in place of a visit, consultation or the advice of a qualified healthcare provider. You should always talk to your healthcare provider regarding medical services, including your specific medical needs. None of the products or services offered through this Site represents or warrants that any particular service or product is safe, appropriate or effective for you. You should always seek the advice of your healthcare provider with any questions regarding personal health or medical conditions.
You assume all responsibility in connection with choosing a healthcare provider whether or not you obtained information about such healthcare provider on or through this Site.
Use of the Internet is solely at your own risk and is subject to all applicable local, state, federal, and international laws and regulations. While NVMI has endeavored to create a secure and reliable Site, please be advised that the confidentiality of any communication or material transmitted to NVMI over the Internet cannot be guaranteed. Consequently, neither NVMI nor its affiliates are responsible for the security of any information transmitted using this Site, the accuracy of the information contained on this Site, or for the consequences of any reliance on such information. You are responsible for making your own determination regarding the information that you provide through this Site.