It may be your eyes:
Through a Patient’s Eyes: ‘This Has Been the Answer to All of Our Prayers’


Published Academic Articles

Through a Patient’s Eyes: ‘This Has Been the Answer to All of Our Prayers’

As hard as it may be to believe, people can have shadowed or double vision and never even realize it. This is especially true for children, who are used to seeing one way which to them is “normal.” While to the casual observer, it may seem that these people function just fine despite their condition, they don’t see the side effects of the stress that double vision puts on the visual system. This can manifest in the form of headaches, dizziness and nausea, anxiety, clumsiness  and difficulties with reading and learning in general. Patient's eye BVD

Seeing the World as It’s Meant to Be Seen

As parents, our natural tendency is to rush in and fix things any time our children are struggling. For a young boy named David, despite his parents’ best efforts to get him the care he needed – which included three eye surgeries, vision therapy and visits to a pediatric ophthalmologist and occupational therapist – he continued to struggle in school and return home each day exhausted. That is, until they found Vision Specialists of Michigan. David’s mom describes their experience here:

“This has been an amazing experience. We worked very hard to try to find [David] the help that he needed. Several ophthalmologists, several surgeries that were failed. We also did vision therapy, which helped for a while but was not a complete solution to this. And as a parent, you just want your child to have the best vision possible, to be able to see the world the way it’s supposed to be seen, and to have an easier path in school, to not struggle so much. And we really needed to find a way to help him. “When we first came to Vision Specialists, we knew right away after the first appointment that this was something special and that we were seeing great improvement, and it was everything that as a parent we wanted to have happen for our child. As we’ve progressed through all of this, he’s had remarkable improvement. We’ve seen improvement that we never saw prior to this. This has been exactly what we needed and exactly the answer to all of our prayers.”

Get Help for Your Child

Could your child have double vision? To schedule a NeuroVisual Examination and find out about the unique micro-prism lenses the doctors at Vision Specialists of Michigan use to treat this and other binocular vision issues, give us a call at (248) 258-9000. Alternatively, you can also fill out our online BVD questionnaire.

Author:   Vision Specialists of Michigan

Want to learn more about Binocular Vision Dysfunction?

Watch these videos of BVD patient experiences:

Avi's Binocular Vision Dysfunction Story

Pastor Jim's Binocular Vision Dysfunction Story

Riley's Binocular Vision Dysfunction Story


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Cynthia's Binocular Vision Dysfunction
It may be your eyes

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