Author:  Vision Specialists of Michigan
Author:  Vision Specialists of Michigan
Author:  Vision Specialists of Michigan
Author:  Vision Specialists of Michigan
Author:  Vision Specialists of Michigan
Published Academic Articles
VH is the result of a visual misalignment of the eyes. Symptoms of the condition can be triggered in areas where there are large amounts of visual stimuli – such as those previously discussed. When combined with movement, this increase in stimuli can further result in dizziness and nausea. The very nature of dizziness is unpredictable, and not knowing when it’s going to hit next can cause an increase in anxiety to the point that the person becomes afraid (or even panicked) to leave their house. The formal name for this anxiety condition is agoraphobia.
Another place where VH patients often experience the symptoms of visual vertigo is in the car as they’re driving down the freeway. This is because of the constant movement and visual stimulation of vehicles whizzing by on either side of the car, which can cause the sensation of dizziness and anxiety to worsen. This creates a very dangerous situation, not only for the person driving the car, but also for the people in the surrounding cars.
This sensation can also be felt by VH patients when doing something as simple as crossing a busy street. It is these ongoing feelings of dizziness and anxiety that can cause a person to feel like they’ve lost all sense of control, at which point they can develop agoraphobia, becoming too anxious and scared to even step foot outside their door.
In people whose eyes are properly aligned, the images that the eyes take in are combined into one clear, focused image. If a binocular vision disorder such as Vertical Heterophoria is present, however, the eyes are no longer in alignment, which means the brain must compensate to see a clear, focused image by forcing the eyes back into the correct position. As a consequence, the muscles of the eyes become sore and overworked, resulting in eye strain and dizziness, headache, pain in the neck and shoulders, anxiety and poor balance and coordination.
Author:   Vision Specialists of Michigan
Author:  Vision Specialists of Michigan
Author:  Vision Specialists of Michigan
Author:  Vision Specialists of Michigan
Author:  Vision Specialists of Michigan
Author:  Vision Specialists of Michigan
Watch these videos of BVD patient experiences:
Avi's Binocular Vision Dysfunction Story
Pastor Jim's Binocular Vision Dysfunction Story
Riley's Binocular Vision Dysfunction Story
Daily Stomach Ache, Headache, Nausea:
Headaches and Learning Challenges:
Years of Daily Headaches, Nausea, and Dizziness: