Author:  Vision Specialists of Michigan
Author:  Vision Specialists of Michigan
Author:  Vision Specialists of Michigan
Author:  Vision Specialists of Michigan
Author:  Vision Specialists of Michigan
Published Academic Articles
Student athletes and others who’ve experienced a recent concussion or head injury are at risk of developing Post-Concussive Syndrome (PCS), a complex disorder that occurs from concussion/brain injury, resulting in frequent and ongoing headaches and dizziness, among other symptoms.
Symptoms of Post-Concussive Syndrome should be promptly addressed by an experienced concussion specialist as well as a NeuroVisual Specialist – professionals trained to recognize the symptoms of this condition and provide treatment that’s tailored to the needs of the patient. Along with headaches and dizziness, other symptoms can include:
Trouble sleeping
Memory loss
Difficulty concentrating
Sensitivity to light & noise
Many of these symptoms are indicators of Binocular Vision Dysfunction (BVD), which is why a complete NeuroVisual Exam is necessary. A NeuroVisual Specialist can also educate patients about the symptoms of PCS and help them understand the effects it can have on the body as a whole.
The aforementioned symptoms of Post-Concussive Syndrome can be complicated and ongoing, lasting for weeks, months or even years. They don’t always appear right away either. The symptoms of PCS can take from a week to 10 days after the concussion takes place to manifest, and can linger for years. In fact, up to 15% of patients with the condition suffer the accompanying symptoms for three months or more, though many of these patients delay seeking help until they can no longer put it off due to the pain and discomfort they’re feeling. If you or a loved one have recently suffered a concussion and these symptoms sound familiar, don’t wait any longer to consult with an experienced NeuroVisual Specialist.
About 50% of concussion patients with PCS develop Binocular Vision Dysfunction. The specialists at Vision Specialists of Michigan are able to provide patients with an overview of Binocular Vision Dysfunction, conduct a thorough NeuroVisual Examination to definitively diagnose the condition and then administer a customized treatment plan. This plan includes the use of micro-prism lenses to realign the eyes and reduce or even eliminate the symptoms of BVD and PCS.
If your student athlete recently suffered a concussion, be on the lookout for signs of Post-Concussive Syndrome and Binocular Vision Dysfunction. Feel free to fill out our convenient online BVD questionnaire and give us a call at (248) 258-9000 with any concerns. We provide treatment for dizziness and the many other symptoms associated with these conditions.Author:   Vision Specialists of Michigan
Author:  Vision Specialists of Michigan
Author:  Vision Specialists of Michigan
Author:  Vision Specialists of Michigan
Author:  Vision Specialists of Michigan
Author:  Vision Specialists of Michigan
Watch these videos of BVD patient experiences:
Avi's Binocular Vision Dysfunction Story
Pastor Jim's Binocular Vision Dysfunction Story
Riley's Binocular Vision Dysfunction Story
Daily Stomach Ache, Headache, Nausea:
Headaches and Learning Challenges:
Years of Daily Headaches, Nausea, and Dizziness: